Friday, September 7

Seeing Pink

Dharamsala, India - In elementary school classrooms sicknesses tend to spread to everyone and fast.

My sister-in-law, a former teacher, used to hilariously call her students "little carrier monkeys."

Well, apparently the backpacking community is nothing more than a traveling troop of carrier monkeys.

Apparently that fun childhood infection, conjunctivitis, better known as pink eye, is "going around."

Apparently some dude brought the delightful gunk up with him from Delhi, as the Tibetan nurse told me today at the clinic. When I walked in she took one brief look at my eyes, slightly shook her head as if to say "tourists" and then actually said, "okay, I'll give you medicine."

Small bottles of eye drops were already out on her table for easy dispensing. It cost 16 rupees. That's about 44 cents (and I was all prepared to collect lots of paperwork to file a claim with my travel insurance).

So I'm taking Advil for the pain, allergy medicine for the histamine, antibiotic eye drops for the bacterial infection and ointment for the goop.


Last week I had the infamous Delhi Belly (though I was in Srinagar). And now I look like my currently digustingly bloodshot eyes might just swell up forever and disappear behind impenetrable layers of gunk. Like it would take archaeologists a serious dig to locate them again.

Ah, India.


Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog faithfully, just not posting comments. First time I did, it made me edit a 1000 words down to 150! That's too hard! Anyway, living vacariously through your blog. love, Peg

Megsmagellan said...

I curled up with a cup of coffee and read your blog start to current. I am addicted and jealous.

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