Tuesday, September 25

No bags, no parcels

JAIPUR, India - I didn't think it was possible.
But the aggressive, in-your-face, pushy, conniving sales people of India have knocked the shopaholic gene right out of me.
I have zero desire to buy anything. The experience of shopping in India is just so exhausting and infuriating I can't be bothered.
Here's what usually happens: A shop owner lurches from his store, blocks your path and pretends to care what country you're from.
"Madam! Excuse me, madam, which is your country?"
Once he has successfully stopped your movement, he launches into a sales pitch and pulls you, quite literally, into his shop. Then he proceeds to take down everything from the shelf, shove each item in your face and lie his head off about how it's handmade and quite unique. Then he quotes you an outrageous price about 10 times what it's actually worth.
If you escape, you'll only get about three feet before the next shop owner jumps in front of you and tries to start the whole thing over again only in his shop where he sells the exact "unique" item the other guy wanted you to buy.
I wonder why the entrepreneurs haven't figured out that their tactics just send Westerners running. I'd happily pay extra rupees for a shopping experience where I was left alone.
Every where you go in India, each step you take, you're harassed. You cannot walk in peace. Sometimes they follow you for blocks touting their service, products or hotel.
I feel like a walking dollar. Every one wants a piece of me.

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